Sculptural felt in Wanganui

I just came back from 5 day felting workshop in Wanganui, organized by Fibre Arts New Zealand. The incredibly talented Pam de Groot thought us to create thee dimensional felt objects with a range of different techniques. It was an awesome week of learning sharing and exchanging ideas with other participants.

felt object by Birgit MoffattSplash

felted spiral by Birgit MoffattSpiral

felt twist by Birgit MoffattTwisted Felt

felted necklace with driftwood by Birgit Moffatt felted necklace with driftwood by Birgit MoffattNecklace

felt vessel by Birgit Moffatt felt vessel by Birgit Moffattand when I came home I just could not stop and felted a boat shaped vessel…



4 replies
  1. Su
    Su says:

    good one sister! I hope your workshop went well yesterday. sorry I couldn’t make it up, was looking forward to the soup! S.

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