We are about four months into the Fellowship Programme and have completed our first module with Estela Saez-Vilanova. The masterclass ran over a period of 10 weeks with weekly assignments, homework and critiques. It was fun, challenging at times, but so rewarding in the end. We did short fire experiments in each session, which guaranteed intuitive and spontaneous results. No time to overthink (most of us have a habit of overthinking not only artists)!

The sessions included quick drawings, making paper models, using materials we hadn’t used before, collages and more.

It was such a wonderful experience to change the way we think about approaching new materials and our art practice in general. Too often we artists work in solitude and lack this external professional feedback. The masterclass was exactly what I needed at this point in my creative journey to reflect, refresh and open up to new materials and ideas. Last but not least, getting to know my fellow participants, even if only online, was incredibly valuable and I can’t wait to meet everyone in person at our group coaching in Wellington in September.

If you would like to know more about the masterclass with Estela, check it out here.

Enjoy some selected visuals from the masterclass.

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