Kāpiti Arts Trail 2015

First things first, after a few considerations I decided to give it a go and applied for the Kāpiti Arts Trail 2015. And got in! This will be the first time I open my new studio for the public and I just realized its only 6 weeks to go.

Here the key dates and further information from Kāpiti Coast District Council (KCDC), you can also download the official Kapiti Arts Guide. Dont miss out and having a browse to see what other amazing local artists have to offer. I am sure it will be a successful two weekends.

fibre studio Birgit Moffatt opening fibre studio 2015

eco print on merino fabric by Birgit Moffattfinished this April, celebrated with a studio warming and it looks so different now as it is in use…

Kapit arts Guide                                                               And this it what it looks like in the Kāpiti Arts Guide



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